Specialized Health Care Insurance

Small Ohio Town Municipality Emergency Services

Caring for the Caregivers

Health care providers face unique challenges that require tailored insurance solutions. Ohio Public Risk Insurance Agency offers a Specialized Health Care Insurance Program designed to protect health care facilities and professionals from a wide range of risks.

Our Coverage Options


  • General Liability
  • Coverage for bodily injury and property damage
  • Professional liability for medical malpractice


  • Protection for buildings, contents, and medical equipment
  • Options for equipment breakdown and ordinance/law change

Commercial Auto

  • Coverage for ambulances, vans, and other vehicles used in health care operations

Excess Liability

  • Additional limits for general liability, auto liability, and professional liability

Cyber Liability

  • Coverage for data breaches and cyber-attacks


  • Coverage available nationwide
  • Underwritten by an A.M. Best “A” (Excellent) XV Rated carrier
  • Customizable options to meet the specific needs of your health care facility
  • Risk management resources and support

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